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Friday, 14 October 2011


Amputee (2000) Digital video [still]

This is a work that assumed that the body possessed no two parts that operated at the same rate - of physical scale or ratio of time. The experience of waking up with a dead limb - as if it had turned to a prosthesis overnight or had been dipped into death - is transferred to the entire body. The body is therefore absent but death is not present. The figure is amputated: making reference to out-of-body experience, ghost engrams, the transference of disease and information, apocryphal tales of the remembered sensations in lost limbs.

Dream signals appear to hum and burst throughout the piece in unpredictable patterns of sound. These signals seem like the obsolete feeds of analogue tapes as they load batches of computer data, as feelings - perhaps genuinely remembered, perhaps fake - fluctuate, flare and disappear.