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Sunday, 9 October 2011

The Set Ensemble

Founded in May 2010, The Set Ensemble is dedicated to experimental music, especially that of the Wandelweiser group, and has to date performed music by composers including Antoine Beuger, George Brecht, Jürg Frey, Eva-Maria Houben, Radu Malfatti, Ben Patterson, Michael Pisaro, James Saunders, Stefan Thut and Manfred Werder.
 The musicians who have performed as part of The Set Ensemble are: Eric Clarke, Angharad Davies, Rhodri Davies, Jill Elliott, Patrick Farmer, Bruno Guastalla, Kate Hendry, Alexander Hawkins, Sarah Hughes, Dominic Lash, Tim Parkinson, David R J Stent and Paul Whitty.

POLYproject 1: Poetry as Score
Cut & Splice: Grúndelweiser launch event - 2nd November 2011
The Centre for Creative Collaboration
with Angharad Davies, Tim Parkinson, Antoine Beuger, Manfred Werder, Carol Watts
Concept as Score • Wandelweiser and Fluxus
Audiograft Festivial - 17th February 2011
Holywell Music Room, Oxford
with Angharad Davies and Tim Parkinson

Meaning Machines
21st June 2011
St. Michael at the North Gate, Oxford
in association with Oxfringe Festival 2011 and Oxford Improvisers

29th May 2011
The Drama Studio, Oxford Brookes University
curated by David Grundy

Polyply 3
Centre for Creative Collaboration, London
9th September 2010
Tim Parkinson, Angharad Davies, Dominic Lash, David R J Stent and Carol Watts performing Antoine Beuger’s Landscapes of Absence

Music in a Domestic Setting
A series of salon-type concerts curated by Dominic Lash and David R J Stent